Psychosis is characterized by an impaired perception of reality, leading to changes in thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Individuals experiencing psychosis may have difficulty distinguishing between what’s real and what isn’t, making it challenging to function in everyday life.

Symptoms of psychosis may include delusions, paranoia, disorganized thinking and speech, and hallucinations. San Diego residents with these symptoms can experience significant impacts on their lives and relationships, making it essential to seek treatment.

Psychosis disorder San Diego
Psychosis Therapy San Diego


The exact causes of psychosis are unknown, but research suggests it’s a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurochemical factors. Some people may have a predisposition to developing psychosis due to their genetic makeup. Others may develop it due to certain environmental triggers such as trauma, stress, or drug use.

Genetic Factors- Studies have shown that genetics plays a significant role in the development of psychosis. People have a higher risk of developing it if they have a family history of psychosis, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. San Diego residents should understand, however, that having a genetic predisposition doesn’t guarantee someone will develop psychosis.

Environmental factors can also trigger the onset of psychosis in individuals who have a genetic predisposition. These triggers can include traumatic events, severe stress, and drug use. Traumatic experiences such as physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or loss can significantly impact mental health and potentially lead to psychosis.

Neurochemical Imbalance- Neurochemicals are essential for the proper functioning of the brain. Any imbalance in these chemicals can affect mood, thoughts, and behaviors. People with psychosis have been found to have an imbalance in the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and glutamate in their brains. These imbalances can contribute to the development of psychosis disorder. San Diegopsychiatrists may prescribe medication to address these imbalances.


The symptoms of psychosis can vary from person to person, but if they think they may need psychosis therapy, San Diegoresidents or their families should look for common signs, including:

  • Hallucinations – When they experience hallucinations, San Diego residents are seeing or hearing things that aren’t real
  • Delusions – With delusions, San Diego residents are holding beliefs that aren’t based on reality
  • Disorganized thinking and speech – Difficulty organizing thoughts and expressing them coherently
  • Disordered behavior – With psychosis disorder, San Diegoresidents may engage in erratic or unpredictable actions
  • Social withdrawal – Avoiding social interactions and isolating oneself
  • Impaired functioning – Difficulty carrying out daily tasks, such as self-care or work responsibilities
Schizophrenia San Diego
Hallucinations San Diego


At Sacred Psychiatric Services, we assess, diagnose, and treat mental health disorders such as psychosis. Our providers work closely with patients experiencing psychosis and their families to develop personalized treatment plans that address their unique needs.Treatment options include medication and psychosis therapy. San Diego patients can rest assured our providers are able to offer:

Medication Management- Medications are often used to treat the symptoms of psychosis that require psychosis therapy. San Diego providers work with patients to find the right medication and dosage that can alleviate their symptoms while minimizing side effects. They also monitor the effectiveness of medications and make any necessary adjustments.

Psychotherapy- Psychotherapy can be beneficial in treating psychosis, as it can help patients understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to psychosis disorder. San Diego therapists also teach coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills to manage symptoms.

Education- Education is crucial in psychosis treatment. San Diegopsychiatric providers educate patients about their condition, potential triggers, treatment options, and coping strategies. They also work with families to help them understand what their loved ones are going through, how they can support them, and how to manage potential relapses.

At Sacred Psychiatric, your provider will work to understand the severity of your condition and personalize a plan for psychosis treatment. San Diegopatients’ treatment plans may include medication management, lifestyle changes, talk therapy, and monitoring of symptoms to refer out for a higher level of care in the event of a crisis. For comprehensive psychiatric evaluations, call Sacred Psychiatric Services at 619-251-2712. Our experienced psychiatrists offer thorough assessments to support your mental health journey.Our experienced psychiatrists offer thorough assessments to support your mental health journey.